Recently I've been seeing an influx of advertisement for Kit Kat bars. I remember growing up, and October 31st after October 31st I would asses my loot and candy would be ranked, separated, stolen by my mother and finally enjoyed. Chocolate candy was far superior to the nerds and smarties. With Reece's cups as the front runner, not closely followed by Snicker's, Milky Way and maybe finally a Three Musketeer. The Kit Kat was then eventually enjoyed sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas by default after the consumption of the others. I, personally have sometimes treated the Kit Kat as second rate but maybe it's worth a second look, and deserving of our respect. I propose that it's design was not a mistake and the combination of wafer and chocolate accompanied by the ability to "break me off a piece" is simple but brilliant. Not all candy can be Reece's cups and not all days can be 70 degrees and sunny. Not all TV can be Say Yes to the Dress and not all breakfast can be pancakes, because when would you have room for a skillet or a scramble? It's the differences that make life great, especially I think, when it comes to people. The freedom to be ourselves and be appreciated for being unique, and not required to be what we are not. While some might be considered best by popular opinion, I believe that out there...somewhere...some beautiful soul chooses the Kit Kat as their very favorite. Why else would they still be presenting them in the candy isle after all this time? Room to be ourselves and accepting others for being their selves would make this a much more colorful and interesting medley. So, let's give one another a break, and enough of a chance.
I just read your whole blog. I'm in love with you. :)